Creating Global Personal Ties (Triptych)
Alison is looking at museum objects collected by British colonists. She is wearing similar objects, but these ones represent long-lasting friendships and familial bonds. The Maori necklace was a birthday gift, while the Eritrean scarf represents the heritage of her adopted daughter. Alison uses it to swaddle her grandson. Objects gain new meanings in different contexts, through global events and personal connections.
Photographs by 汪筱薔 / Hsiao-Chiang Wang (Hope)
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Creating Global Personal Ties (Triptych)
Alison is looking at museum objects collected by British colonists. She is wearing similar objects, but these ones represent long-lasting friendships and familial bonds. The Maori necklace was a birthday gift, while the Eritrean scarf represents the heritage of her adopted daughter. Alison uses it to swaddle her grandson. Objects gain new meanings in different contexts, through global events and personal connections.
Photographs by 汪筱薔 / Hsiao-Chiang Wang (Hope)